Thursday, March 30, 2006

1 Week Old

Today I am one week old! This is the day my Mom's doctor told her was my due date. My Mom and Grandma Suarez took me out for the first time for a walk down the street to Tower Records.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Photo Shoot

Today my parents' friend Rebecca came over to take my picture for my birth announcement. It was a big production!

My Grandma Suarez suggested that we use a space heater to keep me warm. At first I didn't like having my picture taken, but I relaxed a little and started having fun.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Going home!

Today at 11:30am I got to leave Cedars and go home with my Mom and Dad. Before they let me do this, they dressed me up in my 'going home outfit' - which consisted of a cute little dress and a knit sweater and cap that my great grandma made for my dad 32 years ago. He wore the sweater when he left the hospital as a baby too. Truth be told, it looked a heck of a lot better on me.

That afternoon we watched my dad's old school George Mason defeat U Conn in 86-84 in overtime to advance to the Final Four in the NCAA Basketball tournament. Pretty sweet game.

My Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Angie were over to watch The Sopranos and eat pizza with us too. It was the "Mayham" episode where Tony wakes up from his coma. About time, my Dad says.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

New Friends

Today I had my first non-family visitors! I got to meet my Mom's friends, Laura and Lisa.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Cedars Sinai Medical Center

I'm staying at the hospital for a few days and just found out that I have some famous neighbors. Chris O'Donnell and Mark Wahlburg's babies were just born, too!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today I got to meet my grandparents, just a couple of hours after I was born. Later in the day, my Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Angie stopped by.

My Birth Day!

I was born Thursday, March 23 at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in LA. I was scheduled to be born the following afternoon, but I like to do things on my own timetable and my own way. I liked sitting upright in my Mommy's tummy, so I wasn't in the right position to be born. On Wednesday night while my parents Monika and Josh were watching American Idol, I told them that I was ready to come into the world. My Mom had to call Margie, her doula, to make sure she was really in labor. Margie told my Mom and Dad that it was time to go to the hospital. I was born at 2:58 AM on Thursday and the three of us were together for the first time.

welcome to my world

Hi, my name is Ilana. I'm kinda new to this blogging thing - but I'm picking it up pretty quickly. My parents are total luddites so I've got to do everything myself.