Wednesday, May 31, 2006

look ma, no hands

no sleep 'til Brooklyn

Living at home is such a drag. My parents try to make me go to bed so early. Last night I sure showed them...I kept them up for 2 hours after they tried to go to sleep.

But in the morning, all I have to do is just shoot them a couple of quick smiles and all is forgotten. Ha!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Visit to Mom's Office

Today I went with Mom into her office at the MTA to meet the friendly people there. I met a lot of new friends. We visited the Treasury Deaprtment, had lunch with the knitting group and also stopped by Human Resources and Accounting! It was a busy day. We didn't have a chance to stop by my school because I was tired and needed my afternoon nap. Mom let me sit at her computer so that I could read my email. We'll go back again soon so that I can visit my school.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Manhattan Beach with Laura & Lisa

It was such a beautiful day today! Mom and I went to Manhattan Beach to take a walk on the Strand with Laura & Lisa. Mom and Dad used to live in Manhattan Beach before they moved to West Hollywood. It was 75 degrees outside, the sun was shining, there was a nice breeze and it was so clear, we could see to Malibu. I tried out my new shades. Laura and Lisa took turns pushing my stroller. We had a very nice time!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Listening to some music

I'm big enough to wear the onesies that one of Dad's friends made for me with the names of the bands Dad works with. He let me put on his headphones so that I could hear the rock n' roll!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

the needle and the damage done

Mom got me all dressed up to go to the doctor today. When I got there they told me I had to get some shots so I don't get the Mumps or Hepatitis or something like that. The nurse stuck me with big needles 3 times, but I didn't flinch. I just calmly looked her in the eye and said "Is that all you got?" She knew I was just kidding.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Yay! We're finally back home in Hollywood. I missed our house. Can a girl get some help unpacking her bags?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Thank you, Arizona! Good night!

Wow...all this travelling has really knocked me out. I had a really nice time with our friends and family in Arizona. I can't wait to do it again very soon.

This morning we left our friends Lisa, Adam, Addison & Liam's house in Tucson. I really liked hanging out with Addison & Liam - it was nice to be around some people my own age for a change. Well...tomorrow morning we're headed back to California.

Happy Birthday GG!

Here's a new video of our visit to Tucson to celebrate my GG's birthday!
For best results, right click on the above link and select 'save as' to save it to your computer. It's an 8.5 megabyte Windows Media Video file.

lots to share

Had a rip-roaring good time over at my Great Grandparents' house yesterday! I'm glad I got a chance to spend so much time with my family over these last 2 weeks. Tomorrow we're road tripping back to our house in Hollywood.

Friday, May 19, 2006

this is for the G's

Today I got to meet my Great Grandparents! We had a very nice visit. I even got my own private piano concert from my Great Grandma! It was so much fun that I decided we should do it all over again tomorrow and I even invited my Saba and Safta to come down and join us!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

surfin' USA

Another fun day. Check out these new videos!:

Pt. 1 - Cherub Rock. Dad plays guitar for me.

Pt. 2 - Wipe Out. Whitewater rafting in the spa.

For best results, right click on the above links and select 'save as' to save to your computer. They are Windows Media Video files - about 8MB each.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

cute new clothes!

My Grandma likes to buy me stuff! We went to the store today and got a bunch of new clothes and my first bathing suit. We were going to spend the afternoon hanging out in the pool and spa-but someone named Monsoon made it all windy and rainy outside. I think we'll wait to swim until tomorrow!

Monday, May 15, 2006


I'm having fun visiting Saba and Grandma here in Scottsdale. Today me and Saba took a stroll around the neighborhood. I got to meet some of the people on the block - they came out to talk to us when they saw us rolling down the street.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

my first mother's day

Today was fun. We got the whole gang together to celebrate Mother's Day. Lots of moms in the house: my Mom, both Grandmas & my GG Krcina. Aunt Anna, Dad, Grandpa & Saba were there too. Check out this short video of me that my Saba Spielberg put together.
For best results, right click on the above link and select 'save as' to save it to your computer. It's a 4.5 megabyte Windows Media Video file.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Bath Time with Grandma & Aunt Anna

Tea Time

Grandma Suarez took me to my first tea today! I had so much fun. The tea house is called "Teacups & Tiaras" and they have tiaras, hats and boas that you can wear while you are there. My Aunt Anna arrived last last night and I enjoyed spending time with her today. I also met my Grandma Suarez's Aunt Ann and Cousin Joan for the first time. My Mom, Great Grandma and Grandma Karchmer were there, too. I got tired and took a little nap, while everyone else had tea sandwiches, scones, muffins and little cakes. I hope that Grandma Suarez will take me to another tea again soon!

i am the hunny bunny

My Grandma is taking all of us girls out to a tea party today. It's cool, I had no idea she was so politically active. I just wonder where we're going to be able to find a harbor to dump all of the tea here in Phoenix. Anyway, I took a relaxing bath this morning and got to hang out in my new bunny robe while I waited for hair & makeup.

Friday, May 12, 2006

i missed my Saba

I had so many visitors today. My Saba and Safta came over to see me and have dinner. It was the first time I had seen Saba since I was only a few days old. He told me I looked even cuter than last time he saw me. Earlier in the afternoon, my Mom's friend Lisa came over with her Mom and her 2 kids Addison and Liam. I'm going to be supercute like Addison when I'm 3.5 too. Liam is only 2 months older than me but he's a big dude already. I can't wait to hang out with them again next week in Tucson.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

it's getting hot in here
 sure was hot today. 101 degrees. Mom and Dad didn't tell me that we'd be visiting Hades. I demand full disclosure next time. i tried to stay cool indoors all day while Dad jumped rope and did a kickboxing workout outside in the heat - what a dummy.
Weather aside, I had a good day today. Took a long nap with my grandpa while he watched some World War 2 dvds & took some pictures in the backyard with my Mom and Grandma.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

naps kick ass

the return of Grandma Karchmer

My Grandma Karchmer came over today to hang out with me. It was good times. I showed her some of my sweet yoga moves on the new pink Winnie the Pooh quilt G Suarez made for me. Dad laughed at my yoga and joined me on the mat to challenge my jiu-jitsu skills. In less than a minute I caught him in my triangle choke and sent him off to the emergency room. Rookie.