Tuesday, August 29, 2006

watchin' movies

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I sure had a good time watching Saba's movie of the trip to LA. I love movies about my favorite subject...ME!


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I took over Mom and Dad's bed this morning like I often do and challenged Mom to a game of peekaboo. I won as usual.

opening presents (video)

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new toy!

Season and Neal brought me a new toy. Pretty flowers that sing!

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Robins

Today I got to meet my Dad's friends The Robins. They are cute rock boys from Wisconsin. The guys are in town recording their new album at Sound City and Hollywood Sound. I think it's going to turn out really good - they played some songs for me after I got home from school. I like what I'm hearing so far.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

more new friends

Mom and Dad had some friends over today for a BBQ. It was my first chance to meet them. They were all so nice, but I liked flirting with Marty and Neil the best. Neil and Season are going to have a baby in December and it will be fun to have a new friend to play with.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

I'm 5 months old today! Grandma and Grandpa sent me some new outfits. I really liked playing with the tissue paper.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

the ballad of ricky bobby

Today we went to The Grove to see Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in Talladega Nights. Pretty funny stuff. It was the second movie I have seen at that theatre. Then we came back to the house with Safta, Saba, Jonathan and Angie to play and have some lunch. I wore my new Minnie Mouse shirt that Angie got me at Disneyland.

Saba and Safta are going back to Phoenix tomorrow. I'll miss them a lot. We had such a nice weekend together.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fun Day!

Had another fun day with Saba, Safta, Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Angie & my Mom and Dad. We had everyone over for breakfast along with our friend Rebecca. Dad made challah french toast. I heard it was pretty tasty. After lunch we went to the park and rode the swings and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Safta & Saba's return

Saba and Safta got to town around lunchtime today. I hadn't seen them in about 6 weeks. That might not sound like a long time to you, but it sure is to me. They brought me a giant bag of new clothes to wear to school and we spent the rest of the day laughing and playing together. They tired me out, I'd better get to bed so I have enough energy to do it all again tomorrow.

Busy Morning

We had a busy morning. Today is our "flex day", which means Mom and I don't have to go to work and school! We will have a flex day every other Friday. I went with Mom and Dad to the Farmer's Market to pick up some challah bread and fruit. Then we went for my 5 month appointment to see Dr. Raker. I tell you, she is one funny lady. I laughed the whole time. I also enjoyed the paper on the exam table. It made a lot of noise when I kicked my feet and I could even tear off pieces to snack on! We decided to wait one more month before starting rice cereal because I'm doing so good just eating Mommy's milk. Here are my stats: Weight- 15 pounds, 8 ounces (71 percentile) Height- 25.5 Inches (75 percentile) and Head Circumference- 42 cm (63 percentile). I'm going to take a nap and wait for Saba and Safta to arrive!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

New High Chair

Today I went with Mom and Dad and we picked up a high chair from a neighbor who didn't need it anymore. I tested it out at home and I really like sitting up high and being able to see what is happening in the kitchen. I wonder if Dr. Raker will say that I'm ready to try rice cereal on Friday....

Saturday, August 12, 2006

walk in the park

Today we went back to the park. Mom stopped on the way to pick up a picnic lunch from the French bakery. I declined to eat the food for political reasons. The park was fun, Dad took me on the swings again. It was really crowded with kids today. A good time was had by all.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

we survived!

I survived my first official day of school today! It was fun & I had a great time with my friends. Mom survived too - she held up better than I expected she would.

Only thing that I don't like about school is that the teachers keep tabs on me the whole time and even provide Mom with a surveillance report that details my every move when she picks me up. I've secretly obtained a copy of today's report and have posted it here for everyone to see.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Swing Swing

Today we went back to West Hollywood Park to have some fun. I got to go on the swings for the first time. I'll have to take Saba and Safta here when they come to visit. They'll like it.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

blue bear is HILARIOUS!

I've never laughed as hard as I did tonight when Blue Bear played peek-a-boo with me. He just gets funnier and funnier!

It sure was a busy week this week. Mom took me to school on Monday and Thursday. This morning we went to the Farmer's Market for breakfast while the house was getting cleaned. Mom and Dad used to go there a lot when I was still in Mom's tummy, but this was my first chance to see it for myself. It's finally cooling off a little here, so we're taking walks in the mornings again. I like crusing around the neighborhood in my Bugaboo.

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