Sunday, February 25, 2007

big trouble in little china

Happy New Year to all of my Chinese friends out there. Today we went down to Chinatown to see what all the fuss was about with this Chinese New Year. It was pretty crowded and loud down there and I saw a lot of kids with fireworks and snap caps. Mom bought me a hat as a souvenir. I also got to see a dragon and some bands banging on drums. It is the year of the pig and everywhere we went we saw people hawking products with pigs on them. I had a fun afternoon.

Dad rescued me from the rice fields.

There went the dragon.

There was an orchestra of school kids playing. We listened for a little while. They were pretty good.

The whole experience tired me out. Time to go home for a nap.

Animal Kisses

My favorite book right now is "Animal Kisses"!

more animal kisses

I've adopted Chico as my pet dog. Anna will have to go find a new dog of her own when she moves out. Chico likes to give me kisses sometimes - especially after I've eaten a tasty food snack.

Monday, February 19, 2007

what a weekend!

Wow! I had a really fun, busy weekend. On Friday, my Saba and Savta drove in from Phoenix. We had lunch together at Galanga. I had the usual - steamed veggies & chicken with rice. Friday night my Grandma came to town to stay for the weekend. On Saturday, she and I went to Target with Mom and Aunt Anna. We had lunch at Daphne's too. Then on Sunday we drove to the OC for my Aunt Angie's baby shower. She got lots of gifts for my future cousin and I got to spend some time with my Savta and Grandma.

Mom and Anna made this cake out of diapers for the baby shower.

Some yummy cupcakes that Anna made for the party.

Pictures of my Uncle and Aunt from when they were babies.

Mom has to tear me away from the computer sometimes.

We sure seem to go to Target quite often.

You can't go to Target without having lunch at Daphne's.

There was lots of good food at the shower.

Saba showed me how to use his camera.

Making music with my friend Chico.

Just goofing around.

Friday, February 16, 2007

music class!

My music teacher was feeling better yesterday so we got to have music class! It was the highlight of my week. Here's some video of me playing maracas and some other instruments. I shared some drums with my friend Emma - she and I are the only two from our regular class that go to music classes every week with the older kids.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

flying solo

Earlier today I took Mom and Dad to the park. It had been awhile since we'd been there. I got to ride on the swings all by myself!

Aunt Anna and Cousin Chico

Aunt Anna and Cousin Chico arrived today! I wasn't sure what to make of Chico at first, but he's starting to grow on me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ladies Who Lunch

Today Mom's friend Katura and her mom Mrs. Klaus (no relation to Santa) came to visit us from St. Louis. They stopped by on their way to spend the weekend in Orange County. They came by my class to meet my classmates and then we had lunch at Traxx in Union Station. It was my first time there. I ate a giant piece of sourdough bread along with some diced cantaloupe. Yum.

My music teacher was sick today so we didn't have music class. Bummer.

Dad picked me and Mom up early so we could stop by the doctor. Turns out I have an ear infection again. We got some new medicine to make it go away. It's not bubblegum or orange flavor this time, it's a much less yummy strawberry creme.

hats off to ilana

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

beets me

I was enjoying some delicious beets for dinner the other night when out of the blue I had a big sneeze. A mouthful of beets went up my nose. Ouch! It looked like I was being made up for a horror movie:

Sunday, February 04, 2007

sydney and me

Today me and Mom went to meet our friends Sydney and her mom Kirsten at The Grove. Sydney was born the day after me. We played and looked at the fountains and had some lunch. Sydney shared her delicious mixed vegetables & elbow macaroni with me.

This is Sydney.

We compared notes on our fancy highchair/shopping cart covers.

We suckered some stranger into taking a few pictures of the four of us. Nice!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

the chase

I crawled all over the house today, chasing after my Mom and Dad.

Friday, February 02, 2007


I used to say "Daddy" and "Dada" a lot. Not anymore.

flex day!

Mom and I got to stay home from work and school today. We went out shopping, got some lunch and then went to my doctor to get a quick checkup. I'm worn out. Need a nap!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

music class!

Mom came to visit me at music class today. I had a lot of fun playing the shakers and banging on drums!
