Wednesday, July 30, 2008


We had a fun Sunday. All 4 of us went to the park. Adam laid out on his blanket while I climbed, rode the swings and went down the slides.

Sitting on a big swing all by myself!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ride The Bus

I get to see busses all he time, especially near my school, but I've never had the chance to ride one. So today Mommy took me out on an adventure on the LA city busses. It was fun and we met a lot of interesting people. Mommy also bought me a Jamba Juice. Yum.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Field Trip!

Today was a Daddy Day. I took him on my school field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. I had fun seeing and playing with all of the fish, sharks, eels, seals, and other marine life. Daddy bought me a cute stuffed Sea Lion to take home!

We hit the traffic right and got there nice and early.

My classmate Luke was next to arrive!

The seals and sea lions swam up close to me!

Outside they had a water play area!

We had lunch at the Scuba Club. Yum.

I got to drive a boat too!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Saba!

My Saba was in town and came over to visit on Saturday!


Anna took me to the circus on Saturday. It was sooooo fun! I want to go to the circus every weekend.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Adam's first art project

Mom just got the new iPhone, so she's going a little crazy with using the cameraphone. Here are a few pics she took today while visiting Adam at school:

4th of July video

Here's the video of our fun 4th of July weekend that Saba made:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun Weekend with Grandpa

Grandpa came to stay with us for the weekend while Daddy was gone. We had a fun time! He took me to the grocery store (twice!), to the park and my gym class. He also played with Adam and helped Mommy with some things around the house.

On Friday, we got Japanese food for lunch. I tried to eat the rice with chopsticks!

On Saturday, Anna came over and we celebrated Grandpa's birthday a few days early.

Key Lime Pie! Grandpa's favorite! (It's Daddy's favorite, too, and I think it might be my favorite!)

Anna came over again this morning for breakfast and brought Chico!

I gave Chico a hug and he licked my face to give me a big kiss.

Grandpa and I took Chico for a walk. I'm big enough now to hold the leash all by myself.

Adam says "Hi!"

Grandpa was making Adam laugh so hard!

I made two posters with the paper and stickers that Grandma sent to me.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

More Fun Times at the Park

Before Saba and Savta left today, I took Daddy and Saba to the park.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July! Saba and Savta were here this weekend for a visit. We celebrated the holiday with a picnic at the park. Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Angie, Naomi, Aunt Anna and Chico came, too!

Playing at our house before we left for the park. I was giving Adam a hug!

Anna brought me bubbles and a bubble wand.

Savta taking Chico for a walk.