Sunday, November 30, 2008

Random shots from the weekend at Saba & Savta's

More swimming...with Adam, too!

I was having so much fun, so Saba and Savta heated up the spa on Saturday and Sunday, too! Adam came in and had so much fun splashing.

Don't take me under!

That wasn't so bad.

Mommy's B-day Part 2

Grandma got Mommy's favorite cake from Baskin Robbins, so we celebrated her birthday again today! I helped her blow out the candles.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Phoenix Zoo

We got a big group together today to go to the Phoenix Zoo this morning: Mommy, Daddy, Adam, Saba, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Angie, Uncle Jonathan, Naomi, Aunt Anna, Vinnie and Vinnie's nephew! Wow! We all had a great time. The giraffes and elephant were so close we could almost touch them. I enjoyed watching the orangutans, too.

Checking out the giraffes



Break for lunch

Digging for treasures in Grandma's purse

Who's driving this thing???

Friday, November 28, 2008


Saba and Savta heated up the spa so that I could go swimming this morning. I was so excited to be able to swim at their house!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

thanksgiving at saba & savtas house

We had Thanksgiving dinner over at Saba and Savtas house. GG and Papa were here and so was our cousin Naomi and Aunt Angie and Uncle Jonathan.

We colored.

Naomi fell asleep at the dinner table.

Mommy set up a craft table where we made all kinds of cool stuff.