Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Metro Day

Today at school we had Metro Day. All week we've been learning about trains, buses and transportation. In my class, we made engineer hats with the Metro logo. Today we got to take a field trip over to Union Station to see the trains. We saw the Gold Line light rail train and the Metrolink commuter train.

I was so excited to see Adam!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What happens when Mommy isn't watching...

Daddy left for his trip today. Adam and I had a lot of fun with Mommy today. Rebecca came over and we went to the park. Adam and I found lots of fun things to do when Mommy wasn't watching. (The markers are washable and are for use in the tub/shower- thanks Crayola!)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Choo Choo!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Adam and I made a card for Daddy.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Scroll down to see new pics from the weekend in Phx!

Adam's 1-Year Visit to the Doctor

Adam had his 1-year well baby doctor's visit today. Here are his stats:

Weight- 20 lbs 13 oz (21st percentile)
Height- 30.2 inches (64th percentile)

He didn't have any fluid in his ears, so Mommy and Daddy were happy about that!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adam & Sofia help Jose

The highlight of Adam's day at school is when Jose the maintenance worker comes in every day around 12:30 to pick up the trash. Adam gets so excited. I used to have fun with Jose, too, when I was in the infant room.

Adam at School

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Birthday Gift

Adam received a birthday gift from Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Angie and Naomi tonight. We have been having fun filling the dump truck!

A new view

Daddy turned Adam's car seat around this morning since he is 1 and over 20 lbs.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Having Fun in the Dome-Tent

Go away Mommy!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A mini-cupcake to celebrate Adam's actual birthday

Fun at Saba & Savta's House

We went over to Saba & Savta's house today!

Working in Saba's office.
Adam wanted to climb on everything!

Adam's new bathing suit

I don't like the steam!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

After Party Park Visit

Adam took a nap after the party and when he woke up, we headed to the park to play before the rain arrived.

Adam's 1st Birthday

We had a party to celebrate Adam's 1st Birthday today at Grandma & Grandpa's house. We were all worried that it would rain, but we lucked out and had sun and clouds, but no rain!

Sharing our wagon with Addison

Adam playing with Carter

I'm thanking Great Great Auntie Ann for making me some delicious mini-cupcakes

Lisa was so excited to get a piece of cake with a frosting clown on it...

but couldn't say no when I asked her for it...
It was yummy!
The DaDeppo Family

Time to open presents