Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Beach

I've been asking to go to the beach, so we all packed up after we ate breakfast and went to Santa Monica beach. It was nice to go early- it wasn't crowded at all.

Maybe if I close my eyes hard enough I can make myself believe I am at home resting with Anna on the couch.

Adam making his way to the water.

I loved running in the squishy sand
Adam loved sticking his feet in the water- he would have crawled right in if Mommy had let him!

Can we go home now, please??

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Afternoon at the Park

We were dogsitting Chico this weekend while Anna went to Disneyland with her friends. It was such a nice day out, we met up with my friend Arielle at the park.

Chico enjoyed all of the spilled snacks in the car!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rocking Chair

Adam has figured out how to climb into the rocking chair. It is his favorite thing to do now. He climbs in, sits down and rocks.
He is quite proud of himself.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pajama Party Havdalah

This afternoon we went to the temple for a Pajama Party Havdalah service. There was music and singing...and of course drum playing! We had yummy pizza, too.


Adam has been watching me put on Mommy and Daddy's shoes and is trying to do it, too.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Birthday Party

After Saba & Savta left, we got ready and went to Sydney & Tyler's joint birthday party. Sydney turned 3 on the day after me and Tyler turns 1 next month! The theme for the party was pirates & princesses
Adam plays in the baby pirate boat

Decorating a crown

The birthday girl!
Adam tries to get close
Sydney shows us how old she is with 3 fingers
Ariel arrives...she is carried in by a pirate who looks a lot like Sydney's Daddy!
The birthday boy enjoys his pirate treasure cake!
We had fun playing in the fountain outside before we left to go home