Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We went over to my friend Sofia's house in Calabasas tonight for a Halloween party and trick or treating. We saw some scary houses! After we were done trick or treating, we handed out candy for a little bit at Sofia's house. It was fun to see the big kids all dressed up. When we got home Mom and Dad let us enjoy two pieces of candy each- yummy!

Pumpkin Carving Part II

Daddy came home from his trip today and we carved our other pumpkin.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

We carved one of our pumpkins tonight. I picked a scary face to put on it. Adam and I had fun pulling out the seeds and pulp. We liked seeing our pumpkin lit up on the balcony.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Costume Parade

Today was the costume parade at Mommy's work! It was fun to see my friends all dressed up. We said "trick or treat" and got lots of candy. I got to see my friend Luke who I don't see as often anymore since he moved up to the next class. After the parade, we went up to Mommy's office. We could see the buses parked across the street. We stopped in to Mommy's lunchtime yoga class to say, "Hi", too. I asked Mommy why her office is so messy! Adam was ready to jump right in and get to work.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Festival

Today was the Fall Festival at school. We all got to pick pumpkins, do some fun activities and have some yummy treats on the playground. Adam enjoyed playing with his friend Sofia. I had fun doing the activities with my friend, Clarissa. Adam and I liked playing the ring toss game and putting the rings on the pumpkins. The last picture is me with my teacher, Cynthia