Thursday, December 31, 2009

More fun with Addison & Liam

Addison & Liam came up to Phoenix to stay with their Grandparents, so we went over to visit and drive cars in their backyard. It was so much fun. I was finally tall enough to be able to drive the car myself! I'm still getting the hang of steering, but I made some nice big loops in the backyard. Adam got behind the wheel, too, but he can't reach the pedals yet, so he just pretended to drive.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Adam's new friend- Baxter DaDeppo

After being scared of Baxter, Adam realized he's just a big ol' teddy bear!

More fun with the DaDeppos

The home improvement project begins... The Grandpas and Adam start building a closet under the stairs.

Group photos before we go to Peter Piper Pizza

Monday, December 28, 2009

Visit to the DaDeppos

After lunch we drove down to Tucson to spend a couple of days with the DaDeppos. It was so much fun to see Addison, Liam and Carter! We even all took a bath together!

Lunch with Cousin Joan & Auntie Ann

Grandma's cousin Joan invited us to come over for lunch today. We got to see (Great Great) Auntie Ann and had some yummy sandwiches, special juice and pickles!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nutcracker with Grandma

This afternoon Grandma & I went to see the Nutcracker Ballet at Symphony Hall. I loved seeing all of the ballet dancers. Adam was not happy to be left behind...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to Anna

Anna had to fly back to LA today, so we celebrated her birthday early with some yummy cupcakes that Grandma made!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Grandma & Grandpa had a party for Christmas. The whole family was there! We played outside with the chalk set that Anna gave us. I even drew a happy face. Later Grandpa took us for a wagon ride. Then I decided to give Grandpa a break and I pulled Adam in the wagon.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bedtime Wrestling

Anna read us our bedtime stories tonight. Adam likes to dive onto my blow up bed and doesn't care if I'm in the way!

Opening Gifts

There were so many gifts, we started opening some tonight.