Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hanukkah in January!

Our friends came over for a Hanukkah party tonight because we had to cancel it in December when some of us were sick. We got to meet the newest addition to the group- Ilan who was born in November. Adam and I loved looking at him! Marty brought us gifts. Lori couldn't make it because she was sick and Igor couldn't make it because he was just getting home from a business trip. It got late, so Sofia took a bath with us before she went home. We had a great time!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to Mateo!

Today we went to my friend Mateo's house to celebrate his birthday! There was a jumper for us to jump in- I spent most of my time in there. Adam was excited by the pinata. He got a chance to hit it and was so excited watching everyone else take a turn. I stayed in the jumper (since everyone else was with the pinata- I had it all to myself!), but Adam got some candy for me, too.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Luke!

We went to Kidspace Museum in Pasadena today to celebrate my friend Luke's birthday!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

We had a party tonight to welcome 2010! Saba & Savta came over and we had a yummy dinner, sparking juice and cake!