Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pajama Party Havdalah

We went to one of our favorite events at the Temple this afternoon- Pajama Party Havdalah! It's just for the younger kids. We danced, sang and made music. Then we did some crafts, decorated cookies and ate pizza. After all of that, we lit the Havdalah candle, smelled the spices and wished each other a good week!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My 4-Year Dr. Visit

This afternoon I went to see Dr. Raker for my 4-year check-up. She says that I'm doing great! I had an eye exam, but Adam kept trying to give the answers before I could get them out. The nurse thought it was pretty funny. I had to get two shots and a finger stick and I wasn't happy about that AT ALL! But, I came through it fine and was very brave afterwards.

Here are my stats:
Weight: 35 lbs (49%), up from 31 lbs (55%) at 3 years old
Height: 39 in (30%), up from 36 in (26%) at 3 years old

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Adam was overdue for a haircut, so we went for haircuts this afternoon. Daddy even had his haircut, too! We went to the Yellow Balloon- they have lots of fun stuff to keep kids entertained. I even got my first blow out after my cut!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Zoo

It was our flex day today, so we went to the zoo. Mommy and Daddy got us a family membership because the zoo is only 15 minutes away, so we can go anytime we want. I wanted to see zebras and Adam wanted to see gorillas. We got to see two gorillas playing like Adam and I play. We had a great time!

"Like Grandma & Grandpa's", Adam said when he saw the cactus.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Soccer Class

Today we went to our first soccer class. We have 3 weeks of soccer and then 3 weeks of baseball. We did some stretching and warm-ups and then started kicking the ball. Coach Matt showed us what to do. We took a water break and then practiced dribbling the ball. We finished class by taking some shots into the goal.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sydney & Tyler's pARTy

We went to Calabasas today to celebrate Sydney (4th) and Tyler's (2nd) birthdays! They had an art-theme party and we got to paint, color and decorate. We had a great time!