Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pool Party

We had some friends over for a pool party and BBQ this afternoon. We had fun swimming in the pool! Mommy even got in! Adam and I love jumping in from the side of the pool. Baby Ilan is now 6 months old and came in the pool, too! He is a happy baby. Sofia's Mom, Season, made two yummy strawberry desserts.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Birthday to Marc!

We went to a birthday party for Marc, one of Adam's friends today. It was a big party- with a bouncer, petting zoo, pony rides, snow cones and trains! We got to hit a pinata, too!

Monday, June 21, 2010

More Father's Day

Adam's Father's Day gift for Daddy:

Wearing our Father's Day shirts:

Recital Videos

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day at Zuma Beach

I had the idea to go to the beach this weekend, so we took Daddy to the beach for Father's Day! It was a really nice day with no June Gloom! We changed into our bathing suits and had a lot of fun playing by the water.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dance Recital

I have been taking dance class once a week at school for the last year and a half and I had my first recital today! Aunt Anna was able to come, too. We danced to 5 summer-themed songs and each performed our favorite move. I did "the Eagle" which is a forward roll with no hands! After the performance Anna gave me flowers and my friend Arielle gave me a lei. I wasn't scared at all and everyone thought I did great!