Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pirate's Dinner Adventure

We met up with our cousins to see the Pirate's Dinner Adventure in Buena Park.  The pirates kidnap a princess and a mermaid.  One of the pirates falls in love with the princess and fights the other pirates to set her free.  We were on the Red Pirate's team!  We cheered for him while we fought the other pirates.  He fought hard, but lost to the Green Pirate.  Ellie & Rose got the chance to be junior pirates.  Grandma took care of Jack while we were gone- she took him for a walk and gave him dinner.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Grandma Day

Ellie, Rose and I got to spend the day with Grandma today because our school was closed for the holiday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


We really love having Jack stay at our house!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Katy Perry

I went with Mommy and Anna to see the Katy Perry concert at Staples Center tonight!  We met one of my friends there.  It was an amazing show!  We had so much fun.

Jack's Sleepover

Jack is spending the week with us so that we can get to know him better.  It was fun to have him here when we woke up this morning!  He loves to have his tummy rubbed!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ellie Rose

Mommy went to Newport Beach today and saw a boat named "Ellie Rose"!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


We met a special dog named Jack today.  He needs to find a new home.  We spent the day with us to see if we like each other.  We like him a lot!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Ava & Connor's Birthday

Ellie & Rose went to Jump 'n Jammin to celebrate Ava & Connor's birthdays today!  They were so excited to see their friends from their old school.  They climbed, played Dance Dance Revolution and made funny faces in a photo booth.