Saturday, December 30, 2006

hanukkah memories

Here are some pictures from hanukkah that you haven't seen yet:

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

wig out at grandma's

random shots

I love to control the remote.

Someone's in the kitchen making cookies...

Monday, December 25, 2006

my teeth!

My bottom 2 teeth just broke through the skin today. Mom thought it would be funny to take an extreme close-up of them while I was in the middle of eating dinner. Check out the unflattering evidence:

visitng Addison & Liam

Mom brought me over to my friends' Addison & Liam's grandma's house to visit today. Addison gave me a ride around the block in her new car too.

another party in Peoria

My grandparents celebrated Christmas today in Peoria. They had a party at their house. My great grandma Krcina came, as did Uncle Steve, Auntie Ann and Joan & Pete.

My Great Grandma got a purple hat for Christmas so I decided to wear my purple hat too!

All of the old people sat outside to eat tamales and cookies and stuff.

After lunch my Dad took me outside for a ride on the swing.

Auntie Ann, Mom & Joan on the patio.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

party in peoria

Yesterday my Saba and Savta came over to visit at my grandparents house. It was fun to play with all of the old people.

It is pretty cold outside in Phoenix so my Mom dressed me up in this warm outfit that my great aunt made before i could go outside to play.

Here's my Saba!

My Grandma & Grandpa!

No, that's not Ponch from's my grandpa!

Dad needs to shave before he gives me a kiss. That guy is scratchy!

Mom admires my GIVE HUGS shirt.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

hanukkah in phoenix

Yesterday I drove with Mom and Dad to Phoenix. We're going to visit my grandparents and Savta & Saba for the next week or so. When we got to Grandma & Grandpa's they had a bunch of Hanukkah gifts for me!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

hanukkah - night 2

Tonight Dad made latkes for me and Mom. He made some special non-fat ones for me that tasted just like shredded apples. Yum. We lit the candles and I got to open some more gifts! I got a book from Saba and Savta and some wild animal toys from Mom and Dad.

Opening Presents

Here's some video from last night's gift opening!

where's Ilana?

I've Got My Eye On You

Friday, December 15, 2006

my first hanukkah - night 1

Tonight was the first night of my first Hanukkah! We lit the candles and I opened some presents. Tonight I got a talking cookie puzzle and a musical table that sings to me in English and Spanish. Rico Suave!

One down, only seven more crazy nights to go!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

my hat

It's cold outside in the mornings so I wear this hat to keep my head warm on the way to school!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My First Car

Here's a video of me playing with my friends Pooh, Tigger, Piglet & Eeyore and my new car!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

new videos!

Here's a video from last weekend of me playing in my exersaucer!

Since our housekeeper doesn't come until Friday and I'm too small to push a Swiffer, Mom dressed me up in a mop outfit to help dust the floor today:

Sunday, December 03, 2006

More visitors!

All of my grandparents came to visit me this weekend! They're here for my dip in the mikveh on Monday (more on that later).

I've been dancing and jumping in my exersaucer!

Here's one of Grandpa working the phones.

No, it's not a gay's my Grandpa and my Saba!

Grandma and Grandpa.

Savta and Saba.

Mom and Dad.