Friday, August 31, 2007

friday morning

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Trip to the Zoo with Sydney

Mom and I met up with Sydney and her Mom, Kirsten, at the LA Zoo today. It was a little muggy out, but we had a lot of fun. We started off in the petting zoo.

We got to pet a goat.

We "baaa'd" at the sheep and looked at the boars who were sleeping.

We looked at flamingos and Sydney stood on one leg, just like them! We saw giraffes and lions and kangaroos.

My favorite part of the zoo was on the way out when we stopped at the misters. It felt so good to cool off in the mist. I could have stayed there the whole time!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

party at the park

Today we went to a little party at the park by our friends' Season, Neal and Sofia's house in Calabassas. There were a lot of us kids there. 3 little babies, Sofia, me and 2 boys that were bigger than me. I had fun playing with all of them.

Eat To The Beat


my first black eye!

At school yesterday I tripped and hit a table. With my face. I got a little bruising around my left eye, but I feel bad for that poor'll never be the same.

If you look closely, you can see some of my new molars in this picture!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Today we made crowns at school!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Saturday, August 18, 2007

"no more monkeys!"

"Hello! Anna?"

Aunt Anna came over today. She talks on the phone a lot, so she was able to give me some tips.


I have a toy to help keep the floors clean!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Back to my Favorite Park

We went back to my favorite park today to splash and play in the creek. It's pretty hot out, so it's nice to cool off in the water. Mom and Dad were ready to leave, but I convinced them to let me stay a little longer.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I'm really starting to get around pretty good on my own now. I'm walking across the room at school. After Mom and I got home yesterday I got a chance to show Dad what I've been up to:

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Busy Day- Brunch Date and Anna Visits!

Today was fun. Me and Mom went to meet our friends Season and her baby Sofia for brunch. Sofia is 7 months old. I had fun playing with her. After brunch, we came home and had Anna and Chico waiting for us! We played, had a snack and practiced my walking. It was an exhausting day, off to bed now.