Sunday, September 30, 2007

book fair & petting zoo

Today there was the annual book fair and petting zoo at our favorite park. Here are some comparison pics from each year:

Here I am playing with the bunnies.

We did some art projects at some of the booths there. I made a fan and this frame!

Sharing a snow cone with Mom!


I got some nice new clothes in the mail today from my Grandma & Grandpa!

Friday, September 28, 2007

dr. visit

Mom and Dad took me to school for a half-day today so I wouldn't miss my music class. They picked me up after my nap and took me to see Dr. Raker. I got a little checkup and a flu shot so I don't get sick this fall.

Here are my current stats:
Weight: 25.1 lbs. / 63rd percentile (up from 24.4/66% 2 months ago)
Height: 32.8" / 81% (31.5"/68%)
Head Circ: 48cm / 86% (47cm/74%)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

pumpkin bars!

Aunt Anna and Chico came over this morning. We made some pumpkin cookie bars and then went out for lunch and shopping.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

going to services

We went to the stroller services again this morning. I got to wear a new dress that my Savta got for me!

my new classroom

Here are some pictures of my classroom at school! I moved into the Toddler Room in July.

Here are some pictures of the indoor-outdoor room that is the playground for the toddlers and preschoolers. My favorite time of the day is recess in the indoor-outdoor room!

I help Mom fix problems with her work computer all the time.

my art projects!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

rocking chair

I helped Dad put together my new rocking chair this morning.

legoland video

Here's a video of the Legoland trip from last weekend.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

rosh hashana

Here I am getting ready to go to the toddler services for Rosh Hashana at Temple Israel in Hollywood. There were lots of kids my age there, some good music to clap along to and we got an apple & honey snack on our way out the door. Nice.