Saturday, November 24, 2007

Mama's Birthday

Today we had a big party at Saba and Savta's house to celebrate Mama's birthday. Grandma, Grandpa, my GG Krcina & my Aunt Anna came over!

We ate a lot of food.

Anna looooves mustard.

I sat between Anna and Dad so I could eat their food.





My grandpa plays silly games with me.

I was Mama's helper when it was time to open gifts.

Yummy ice cream cake!

My family tried to sing Happy Birthday. Didn't sound so good to me.


Mom had to dish it out herself. Everyone else was too busy eating.

Friday, November 23, 2007

lunch & shopping!

Mom took me to meet Grandma and Anna for some shopping. We were really hungry afterwards and had some lunch.


playing peek-a-boo with the fruit cup.


Thanksgiving Weekend!

We had a big party at Saba & Savta's house for Thanksgiving. My GG & Papa came up from Tucson and my cousin Naomi and her parents Jonathan and Angie came too. It was fun!

I shared my Elmo toy with Naomi!

Papa & GG!

Dada, Mama & Uncle Jonathan

Uncle Jonathan & Aunt Angie

Naomi's picture is so cute that I want to give it a kiss!

GG helped me with my necklaces.

I had breakfast with my Papa and Dada.

Dada got me some special agua from Starbucks.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Zimmer Children's Museum

Today we made our first visit to the Zimmer Children's Museum. It's pretty close to our house and there's lots of fun stuff there, including a real life ambulance and airplane that you can play in. But my favorite attraction was a little water pool that you could float little boats and ducks in.


We made a nice DOG collage in the art room!
They had a room for jumping.

I moved the cones so they knew where to park the plane.

my purse

Grandma got me this cool strawberry purse! I keep my junk in it!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dinner with Neal, Season & Sofia

We had dinner tonight with the Neal, Season & Sofia. It was a fun time. Sofia will be turning one next month. Neal & Season gave Mama and Dada Sofia's infant seat and attachments to borrow for Baby Brother. After we ate, Sofia and I got to play for a little bit. Sofia wanted to touch my face and hair- I was trying to get away from her!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I love Gwen

Aunt Anna stopped by and dropped off an picture of Gwen Stefani. Aunt Anna got to meet her last week at work. She has a cute son a couple of months younger than me- Kingston. Maybe Aunt Anna can arrange a play date!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I really enjoy coloring with my crayons ("cuh cuhs"). Mama and Dada try to limit my creativity by telling me that I can only color on PAPER! I've already tried to add my drawings to the coffee table and TV. Good thing Crayola makes washable crayons now!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

best shabbat ever

Today Temple Israel had a special shabbat drum circle for kids in Pan Pacific Park. There were a lot of us there and we made a lot of noise!

Monday, November 05, 2007

lost pics

Here are some never before seen pictures that Teacher Cindy took of me playing in the bouncer at school this past July: