Wednesday, April 30, 2008

more visitors!

Today Sydney and her Mom Kirsten came over to visit. Sydney and I played with my toys and ate some lunch. Then our Moms made us pose for pictures together. Sydney is going to be a big sister too - her Mom is having a baby on Friday.


Grandpa came on the plane with us from Phoenix and stayed for a few days to play with me. We went to the park, played with Play Doh and did all kinds of fun stuff. On Monday, Mom's Aunt Betty and her sister Charlotte came over to visit. I had a lot of fun saying "Aunt Betty and Charlotte".

Monday, April 28, 2008

Grandma's birthday

Here's a video that Saba made from the party we had on Saturday:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Feeding the Birds

One of Ilana's favorite things to do at Grandma & Grandpa's house is feeding the birds!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Encanto Park

We had a picnic today at Encanto Park to celebrate Grandma's birthday. We had a big group: Saba and Savta met us there and so did Great Grandma, Uncle Steve and Uncle Rob. Ilana fed the ducks and made some bubbles. Adam enjoyed looking at the trees. Great Uncle Rob was visiting from Colorado and met Ilana and Adam for the first time.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Gaba!

Tonight we celebrated Gaba's birthday! Gaba put Ilana's hair in pigtails before we went to the restaurant.
We went to a teppan-yaki restaurant. It was so fun to watch the chef cook right in front of us.

The chef tried to pull tricks on Ilana, but she told him, "NO!"
Anna kept Ilana safe from the crazy chef!
Ilana loved the rice!

Ilana picked this card out for Grandma all by herself.
Anna made this cake for Grandma.

Picture of Us with Mommy and Aunt Anna

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Packing for Our Trip

Ilana helped Mommy pack up for the trip to Phoenix this morning.

Monday, April 21, 2008

movie day

Today Mom, Dad and Adam went to the 'Monday Mommy Movie' at The Grove to see "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". They enjoyed the movie and were pleasntly surprised to see several of the actors from the film (Jason Segel, Paul Rudd and Jonah Hill) shooting a scene for a new movie right outside the theatre as they walked back to the car.

Stroller city.

Jason Segel and Paul Rudd share a tender moment.

Jonah Hill is a funny guy. I bet he's saying something hilarious right here.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

weekend pictures

We didn't do too much today. Dad and Ilana went to Target in the morning. Mom and Ilana took a walk and went shopping in the afternoon. In the meantime, Adam smiled at Ilana a lot and Ilana spent time taking care of her baby doll named Abby.