Sunday, June 29, 2008

Reptiles and Showers

We had a fun weekend. We went to the park and Anna brought Chico over for a visit. Adam and I played together.

Today we went to the UCLA campus to see a reptile show. I even touched two snakes and a giant lizard!

I really liked the fountain in the courtyard.I threw some pennies in it and made some wishes.
At the end of the day, I took my first shower with Mommy!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Adam Rolls

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our weekend

We had a fun and busy weekend! Adam started rolling over on Saturday from his back to his tummy. Daddy will post some video later.
Wearing the Beastie Boys shirt that Anna got me to school on Friday.

Wearing my new sandals.

Talking on my phone.

Adam looking cute.

Painting with my new easel.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

water play!

Yesterday was the first water play day of the summer at school!

Mom's first day at work

We survived!

Carrying the torch

We made Olympic torches at school!

Xan & Me

Here's a picture of me and Xan at her birthday party a few weeks ago.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Adam's first day at school

Mommy took Adam to school for the first time today. He smiled and laughed the whole time! I came over to play with him during the day. I think he's going to like it there.

Adam's crib is in the corner.

Adam with Teacher Edith.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Grandma took me back to the Beach!

Grandma took me to Santa Monica Beach again. I really like to walk around and watch everyone there.

I enjoyed playing Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Trip to Florida

On Saturday, Mommy, Adam, Grandma, Anna, and I rode on an airplane to visit my Great Grandma Suarez in Jacksonville.

On the airplane!
Having a snack.
Adam and Grandma.

Taking a nap.
Watching Elmo.
Grandpa met us at the airport in Jacksonville.
Meeting Great Grandma for the first time.
Taking a nap on Great Grandma's couch
The house we rented.

View of the St. Johns River from the house.
Anna fired up the grill to make hot dogs and hamburgers.
Roasting marshmellows for s'mores.
This frog joined us for the barbeque.
Helping Grandma give Adam a bath.

Adam went swimming for the first time!

Great Aunt Betty and her sister, Charlotte, flew down from Maryland.

Florida rainstorm!
Anna bought me some ice cream.

Saying good-bye to Great Grandma.