Saturday, March 28, 2009

Splishing and Splashing

It was so warm today! Daddy washed off the water table (it had gotten REALLY dirty during the winter!) and filled it up with water so that Adam and I could play. Adam had so much fun- he didn't want to come in! He just wanted to keep splashing. He got me really wet.

Friday, March 27, 2009

You Are My Sunshine

Ilana and Saba duet on Ilana's new favorite song:

My 3-Year Dr. Visit

Today I went to the doctor for my 3-year check-up. I like getting weighed and measured on the big kid scale! The nurse checked my eyes by having me tell her what pictures I saw on the eye chart. No shots this time- just a TB test. As a treat, Daddy and Mommy took us to Benihana for lunch afterwards! It was fun to watch the chef cook our lunch. Adam enjoyed it, too!

Here are my stats:
Weight: 31 lbs (55%), up from 30 lbs (63%) at 2 1/2 years old
Height: 36 in (26%), up from 34.5 in (20%) at 2 1/2 years old (At 2 1/2, it was my first time being measured on the big kid scale, so probably a little off)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pizza Picnic

While my school is being repaired, my class gets to have lunch outside! Here are pictures from Pizza Day last Friday. I'm sitting with my friends Ellaena, Tobias & Manny.


Adam reaches for every guitar he sees.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my actual birthday! Mommy & Daddy brought cupcakes to school to share with all of my friends. We all enjoyed them!

Party Time!

Today was the day of my birthday party! It was at Fit For Kids in West Hollywood, where I've been taking classes with Daddy on Saturday mornings for the past year and a half. My family was there and so were a lot of friends from school.

Checking out my cake with Aunt Anna
The first set-up- Tunnels

Jumping on the trampoline

The next set-up- Roller Coaster

Riding the horse

Circle Time

My Dora cake

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Birthday Tea

Grandma and Savta took me, Mommy and Aunt Anna to tea at the London West Hollywood to celebrate my birthday! My favorite was the blueberry jam and chocolate cake! Yum!

Singing with Saba

Saba accompanied me on one of my favorite songs right now- "You Are My Sunshine". Hopefully Daddy can put the video up for you to see!

Visit to Uncle Rip

Uncle Rip called Mommy and told her that he had presents for me & Adam. We went to his house and he gave me a stuffed unicorn! We all posed for pictures after!

Saba & Savta Arrive

Saba & Savta arrived while Adam & I were napping. It was a nice surprise to see them when we woke up!