Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adam Walks

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

adam painting!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday to Naomi!

We went down to Irvine today to celebrate Naomi's 2nd birthday! Naomi was so excited to see us, but Daddy most of all!

We couldn't wait for Naomi to start opening her presents, so Adam and I helped her!

Then we went to play in Naomi's room!

We sang songs that we both know, like "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "The Wheels on the Bus"

Then we went outside to play with the new sink Saba & Savta got for Naomi!

Cake time! I picked out the cupcake I wanted.

Chocolate marshmallow!

We were so worn out from playing, that we all laid down for a nap, so that we could go swimming before we had to go home.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Adam's 15-Month Stats

Adam went to visit Dr. Raker today. She said he looks great.

Weight- 21 lbs 15 oz (14th percentile) up from 20 lbs 13 oz in February
Height- 32 inches (73rd percentile) up from 30 in. in February

Dr. Raker isn't worried about his weight because he was sick so much this winter and just got over a bad stomach bug. We'll see if he plumps up this summer!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Xan's 4th Birthday

Today we went to Xan's 4th Birthday Party. It was at a teahouse for kids. When we got there, the girls got to pick pretty dresses and fancy shoes to wear. (I decided to stay in the dress I wore to the party.) Next we could pick necklaces and bracelets. Then we went to have makeup put on and our hair done! I felt like a very big girl! We had a fashion show for all of the parents. Then we sat down for a lunch of tea sandwiches, pizza slices and hot dogs. After lunch, we got dessert plates filled with candy treats I've never seen before! It was a great party!