Sunday, July 26, 2009

Welcome Cousin Owen!

We drove down to Irvine today to meet our new cousin, Owen!

I was very gentle with Owen and was able to hold him

Daddy was making funny faces to make us laugh

Naomi and Owen's Grandma was there for a visit, too
Adam liked to give Naomi hugs

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kidspace Museum

Today Daddy and I went on the school field trip to Kidspace Museum in Pasadena. My favorite part was using water to play the drums.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Water Play Day

During the summer we get to have water play days every couple of weeks!
Adam having fun with bubbles

Adam watching the older boys play in the sprinkler

My class arrives
Watching the fun in the sprinkler with T. Mary
Enjoying a refreshing cup of water- it was hot out!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tea with Grandma & Anna

Grandma came to visit this weekend so that she could see Anna's new condo. I got to go with Grandma, Anna and Anna's friend Kristen to tea. (Mommy was sick.) We had a lot of fun trying on all of the different hats at the restaurant after we finished eating.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Zuma Beach

We drove out to Malibu to go to Zuma Beach as soon as we finished breakfast this morning. It was a beautiful beach and since we were there so early, there weren't many people there!

Adam ran right for the water!

I had fun running away from the waves

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth

Zing Zang Zoom! Mommy, Anna, Adam and I went to the circus today!

We walked through LA Live (home of the new Grammy Museum and Nokia Theater) after the circus

My favorite part of the whole experience was riding the shuttle bus to and from the parking garage!