Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tashlich at the Beach

We went to Santa Monica beach this afternoon with other members of our temple for Tashlich- to cast our sins away in the water. It was fun to play at the beach and enjoy more of the delicious challah!

Getting Ready for Services

Everyone slept in this morning, so we were in a rush to get ready for services this morning. We were in such a rush- we forgot to take a picture of everyone once we were all dressed!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Rosh Hashanah

We celebrated Rosh Hashanah tonight with a yummy dinner! Saba & Savta were here to celebrate with us and so was Daddy's friend Michael (visiting from New Jersey). We had a great big round challah that was delicious. After dinner we looked at pictures of Michael's daughter on Daddy's computer. Savta made us laugh so hard with her sneezing!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lunch with the Girls

Mommy and I went to lunch today with Laeni and her Mom and Clarissa and her Mom today. It was fun to ride the subway!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

S'mores & Bubbles

We had a BBQ for our last night at the beach house. For dessert we made S'mores and played with bubbles.

Last day at the Beach

We have to go home tomorrow so we went to the beach one last time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sealife Aquarium at Legoland

Before we went back to the beach house we stopped in to see the new aquarium at Legoland. We saw some really cool fish and other sea life. It was nice and cool in the aquarium-perfect after a day in the sun.

When we got back to the house, I was being silly and pulled my shirt over my head. Adam thought it was pretty funny!

Me and the Famous Faces at Legoland