Sunday, September 26, 2010

Having fun at the Beach

Grandma and Anna took me & Adam to a really cool restaurant at the beach that had a playground for us to play on right next to it!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Congratulations Anna!

Mommy & Grandma went out with Anna & her friend Andrea to celebrate her engagement!

Owen & Naomi Visit

Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Angie, Naomi & Owen came over this afternoon for a visit. Adam & I had fun playing with them!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Skuros Visit

The Skuros came over for a visit today. They brought us a yummy dinner and challah for Shabbat. Season helped Mommy with the babies. Adam and I had fun playing with Sofia. I introduced Sofia to my baby sisters. I told her, "This is my baby sister, do you want to pet her?" Neal taught Adam how to play Words with Friends on his iPad. Our favorite way to end every get-together with Sofia is our group bath!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

2-Month Dr Visit

Ellie & Rose had their 2-month visit to Dr. Raker today. Rose showed off her strong leg and neck muscles. Ellie didn't mind laying and sitting with Dr. Raker while Mommy and Daddy talked to her. They also got their first vaccinations- 3 shots and 1 oral. They did really well and didn't seem to mind too much.

Here are their current stats (the percentiles are based on singleton babies):

Weight: 8 lbs., 15.5 oz. / 8% (up from 5 lbs., 13.5 oz/2% 2 weeks old)
Height: 21.5" / 16% (19.0"/10%)
Head Circ: 37.8 cm / 23% (34.25cm/15%)

Weight: 9 lbs., 0 oz. / 9% (up from 6 lbs., 1.5 oz/3% 2 weeks old)
Height: 22" / 32% (19.7"/31%)
Head Circ: 38 cm / 28% (34.5 cm/20%)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Four little monkeys...

Friday, September 17, 2010


I got to go to lunch with my friends Clarissa and Laeni today. Their mommies took us to the Star Hamburger restaurant (Carl's Jr.)! We got to ride the subway to go there.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sleeping Beauties

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Goodbye Grandpa

Grandpa stayed with us for a few days while Daddy went to New Mexico for work. Ellie & Rose gave Grandpa some big smiles this morning to thank him for helping Mommy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Ellie & Rose were called to do a quick scene for the show "House" at Fox. They played a newborn whose mother just passed away. They director wanted a baby who was awake, so Ellie and Rose were up first. Rose filmed 1 and a half takes before she started crying. Ellie was fussy, too, so she didn't make it into the scene. The other twins were sleeping and were used to finish filming. They only worked 30 minutes! We'll have to wait until the episode airs to see which baby makes it into the show.

Rose Smiles!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Morning

Adam and I love the weekends and being able to spend time with our sisters! They are so sweet in the morning after they have breakfast.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Happy New Year!

Tonight we celebrated Rosh Hashanah with a round challah, apples and honey. Yum! I told Daddy that it is a "challahday"! A sweet new year to all!