Monday, May 30, 2011

Mindy Visits

Rebecca brought over her cute doggie, Mindy, this afternoon. We had fun playing with her and watching her chase her ball. We thought she was so cute we sang a song for her.

First Lunch Out

We took Ellie & Rose out to lunch for the first time today to one of our favorite spots- Poquito Mas! Ellie & Rose enjoyed their chicken quesadilla, beans & rice.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fun on the Swings

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to Sascha

We went to Sascha's 4th birthday party today! It was at a cool place called Peekaboo Playland. We've never been there before. Sascha is in Adam's class at school.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last Soccer Game

Today was the last soccer game of our season. It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect for our game. I had a lot of fun playing and learning more about soccer. After the game we had a team pizza party. Coach Neal gave us medals and we had delicious cupcakes for dessert.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ellie & Rose go to the Park!

We took Ellie & Rose to the park for the first time today. They got to go in the swings for the first time- they really liked that! They had fun exploring and watching me and Adam run around. Rose has a cute new squinty smile that we love to see.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun at the Playroom!

Now that Ellie & Rose are crawling, we all went to the Playroom for some fun on Mommy's flex day!