Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mommy!

We celebrated Mommy's birthday tonight! We got her favorite cake from Baskin Robbins and sang "Happy Birthday" to her.

Visit to G.G.

We went to visit G.G. this afternoon. She lives in a new apartment that is very nice and has pretty lights. We always love when she sings and plays songs for us on the piano.

Spaceship Park

We went to our favorite park by Grandma & Grandpa's house that has the spaceship that we can play in! Ellie & Rose thought it was pretty cool.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grandma cooked us a yummy Thanksgiving dinner and we all enjoyed it! I made the placecards. Mommy and I made a turkey using a paper towel tube. After baths we enjoyed some pumpkin pie!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


After naps we went for a bike ride in the neighborhood and saw the lake with ducks! Rose was determined to crawl across the rocks to get to the ducks. Ellie loves riding the big bikes.

Fun at the Park

After Grandma made us a yummy breakfast, we got dressed and went to the neighborhood park. We went to our favorite restaurant in Glendale for lunch- Jason's Deli- and enjoyed some ice cream for dessert!