Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

We love Halloween!  It is one of our favorite holidays!  Adam wore his costume to school, while I went with Ellie & Rose to Grandma's house because our school had the day off for teacher conferences.  We had a yummy pizza party at our neighbor's house and then set off for trick or treating. We were glad it was a Friday so we could stay up later than we could have if we had school the next day.  My costume was Raven Queen from Monster High.  Adam was an alien spy and Ellie & Rose were mermaids.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

We carved our pumpkins with Natalie tonight.  I carved a Barbie, Ellie picked a cat, Rose picked a traditional pumpkin face and Adam picked a bat.  Mommy carved a mummy and Natalie carved a pumpkin for Jack, too!