Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Dressed and ready for school!


Adam and T. Edith

Adam's class
Ballerina Princess Ilana

Ilana's class

Time for trick or treating!

Visiting the Planning Department

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving with Aunt Anna

Aunt Anna came over tonight to help me carve our jack-o-lantern for Halloween. She let me pick out a face that she put on the pumpkin. She let me do the dirty work of cleaning out the guts. Mommy also got me some pumpkin decorations that you just push into the pumpkin.

I think our Jack looks pretty good!

Pumpkin Festival at School

We had a pumpkin festival at school today. The teachers made the playground look like a pumpkin patch. It was so much fun. We each got to pick a pumpkin. We also painted, colored, danced and had our faces painted.

This is my teacher, T. Yasmin. I like her so much!The view of Mommy's office from our playground.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Vito's Pizza and Pumpkin Muffins

Adam had Vito's Pizza for the first time tonight. He really enjoyed chewing on the crust. It looks like his other front teeth will be in soon.

After dinner, I made pumpkin muffins for Mommy and Daddy. Good thing Grandma and Anna have been teaching me how to bake!