Wednesday, April 19, 2006

another busy day

Today we went to Runyon Canyon again. Dad went up the steep way and met Mom & I on his way down. It was pretty hot outside, so I suggested we go get something cold to drink. We went to Target on LaBrea to pick up a few things and while Mom went to buy some makeup at ULTA, me and Dad snuck over to Jamba Juice for a Strawberry Nirvana w/ an immunity boost so Dad can stop sneezing.

After my bath tonight, Mom and Dad tried to trick me by having Dad give me my dinner instead of Mom. He lured me in with a bottle and plastic teat, but it tasted just like the dinner Mom makes for me. I had fun and suggested that next time we speed things up by skipping the bottle and just using a funnel connected to a hose like Frank The Tank uses in the movie Old School.