Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

After Mom and I got home from school/work, we had a New Year's Eve party! I didn't like how loud the noise maker and horn were, but we still had fun.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Last Day of our Trip

Mom and Anna came home with the goodies they bought at the sales and tried to figure out how to pack it up so that they could get it all home! I went for one last wagon ride and then we all had dinner together. Tomorrow we drive home to LA. I will miss my family in Arizona!

Saba & Savta's Park

This morning Dad and I went over to Saba & Savta's house while Anna and Mom hit the sales at the mall. We played at the park in Saba & Savta's neighborhood. Jonathan, Angie & Naomi came, too! I never pass up an opportunity to go down the slide- Wheee! I got to see some people playing tennis and someone even gave me my own tennis ball!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Party Time!

We had a BIG party this afternoon! Great Grandma and Uncle Steve came over with her friend Sabina. Then, Saba and Savta arrived with Jonathan, Angie & Naomi! Grandma, Anna and I made a lot of food for everyone to enjoy!

After we ate, Saba and Grandpa took me, Naomi and Chico for a walk around the block. It was cold and windy, so we had to bundle up!

Merry Christmas

This morning we helped Grandma, Grandpa and Anna celebrate Christmas. We gave them some presents and they gave us some presents. There were a LOT of presents! I got some really cool things.
Anna made me a craft table.
Grandma and Grandpa gave me a lot of clothes and food for my kitchen.

Monday, December 24, 2007

big day

Did a lot of baking and playing today!