Sunday, December 09, 2007

Hanukkah Celebration!

Today my Aunt Angie, Uncle Jonathan and Cousin Naomi came over for a Hanukkah celebration! Mom and Dad made brisket and latkes. I haven't taken a position in the sour cream vs. apple sauce debate- I like them both for now.

We gave Cousin Naomi (I call her "Omi") a giraffe with blocks and a train with balls.
She really liked playing with the balls.
Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Angie and Cousin Naomi gave me a stylish pair of shoes and an Elmo book. I LOVE Elmo!
The Elmo book plays a song when you push a button. I can't get enough of that song!
I showed Naomi my new kitchen toys- she really liked the spatula!
We had chocolate cake for dessert! YUM!