Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun Weekend with Grandpa

Grandpa came to stay with us for the weekend while Daddy was gone. We had a fun time! He took me to the grocery store (twice!), to the park and my gym class. He also played with Adam and helped Mommy with some things around the house.

On Friday, we got Japanese food for lunch. I tried to eat the rice with chopsticks!

On Saturday, Anna came over and we celebrated Grandpa's birthday a few days early.

Key Lime Pie! Grandpa's favorite! (It's Daddy's favorite, too, and I think it might be my favorite!)

Anna came over again this morning for breakfast and brought Chico!

I gave Chico a hug and he licked my face to give me a big kiss.

Grandpa and I took Chico for a walk. I'm big enough now to hold the leash all by myself.

Adam says "Hi!"

Grandpa was making Adam laugh so hard!

I made two posters with the paper and stickers that Grandma sent to me.