Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to Naomi!

We had a big party today to celebrate Naomi's 3rd birthday! Saba & Savta came to stay with Naomi & Owen for the weekend, so they were here. Our friends, the DaDeppos, were visiting us from Tucson and Aunt Anna came over with Chico, too! It was a lot of fun! Daddy grilled us a yummy lunch. Then we ran in the sprinklers and finally got to go into the pool for the first time! Chico even dipped his paws in! We watched Addison & Liam jumping into the pool, so Adam and I wanted to do it, too. Big Adam is good at catching jumping kids! It was a little chilly- Daddy will start the heater earlier for the next time we go in.

We sang Happy Birthday to Naomi and ate Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes with ice cream! Yummy!