Friday, August 27, 2010

New videos

Here are some videos: Adam Soothes Rose (he's been watching how Mommy & Daddy bounce and soothe the babies) and Swimming with Grandma, Anna & Omar.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Juliana Theory stops by

Daddy's friends, the Juliana Theory, stopped by this afternoon. The band reunited to play 7 shows for the 10th anniversary of their album "Emotion is Dead". They are playing shows in Pomona, LA and San Francisco this weekend. It was fun to meet them!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Feeding the Birds

Grandpa got some bird seed so that Adam and I could fill the bird feeder that hangs outside our house. We are waiting to see if the birds notice that we put food out for them!

Desperate Housewives - Day 5

It was another quick day at Desperate Housewives today. Rose filmed a scene with Lynette and Penny- Lynette left baby Paige with big sister Penny while she went out for a quick jog. Rose was in character and cried during the scene which is exactly what they wanted!

Looking cute!

Reptile Show at School

Here are some pictures from the reptile show that we had at school last week!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Grandpa Arrives!

Grandpa flew in from Phoenix to help us for the week!

Who's making all that noise??

Desperate Housewives - Day 4

Today Ellie & Rose went back to Universal Studios for one scene with Lynette and Penny- it was an easy day!

Friday, August 20, 2010

One-Month Old

Ellie & Rose are one-month old today!

Ellie weighed 7 lbs, 4 oz

Rose weighed 7 lbs, 7 oz

Rose and Savta

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Having fun with Dirk & Annette

Adam & I have been having a lot of fun playing with our neighbors Dirk & Annette. They are 3 1/2 year old twins.

Desperate Housewives - Day 3

Ellie & Rose went on location to a school in downtown LA for Desperate Housewives this morning. They ended up filming with the other set of twins, so Ellie & Rose got to take a nice nap.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ellie & Saba

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bouncing Babies with Mary

I've been watching Mommy, Daddy and Mary taking care of the babies. I was practicing changing my baby and Mary was showing me to bounce with Rose to keep her from crying.

Desperate Housewives Day 2

Ellie & Rose filmed two more scenes for the 4th episode of the new season of Desperate Housewives today. Rose laid on a blanket for some floor time with big sister "Penny". She then sat in an infant seat for the speaking portion of another scene between Lynette and Penny. Ellie came in with minutes to spare and cried on cue to complete the scene! Mommy got a prime seat in front of the monitors to watch the scenes.