Wednesday, August 04, 2010

2-Week Appointment with Dr. Raker

Ellie & Rose had their first visit to Dr. Raker's office today! Ellie was awake for most of the car ride and seemed to enjoy it. The motion put Rose right to sleep. Dr. Raker said they are both very alert, look healthy and are growing well.

Here are their current stats (the percentiles are based on singleton babies):

Weight: 5 lbs., 13.5 oz. / 2% (up from 5 lbs., 13 oz/7% 2 weeks ago)
Height: 19.5" / 10% (18.5"/16%)
Head Circ: 34.25 cm / 15% (31.5cm/1%)

Weight: 6 lbs., 1.5 oz. / 3% (up from 5 lbs., 14 oz/8% 2 weeks ago)
Height: 19.7" / 34% (19"/31%)
Head Circ: 34.5 cm / 20% (33 cm/13%)