Thursday, December 02, 2010

4-Month Visit to the Doctor

Ellie & Rose had their 4-month visit to Dr. Raker today. Adam and I got to go, too, and then Daddy took us to school. Adam & I pretended to be the doctor and the nurse so that Ellie & Rose knew what to expect. Dr. Raker thought the girls looked great and loved their chunky thighs!

Here are their current stats (the percentiles are based on singleton babies): They are slowly catching up to the average singleton babies their age.

Weight: 12 lbs., 2 oz. / 12% (up from 8 lbs., 15.5 oz/8% 2 months old)
Height: 23.8" / 23% (21.5"/16%)
Head Circ: 40.5 cm / 28% (37.8 cm/23%)

Weight: 12 lbs., 0 oz. / 11% (up from 9 lbs., 0 oz. / 9% 2 months old)
Height: 24" / 29% (22" / 32%)
Head Circ: 40.5 cm / 28% (38 cm / 28%)