All four of us went in for check-ups with Dr. Raker today! Mommy would have taken some pictures but it was a circus with all of us there together. Adam and I had to get shots. I was very brave and didn't cry at all! Mommy and Daddy treated us to ice cream after and that made us feel a lot better.
Here are our stats:
Ilana (5 years):
Weight: 38 lbs (37%), up from 35 lbs (49%) at 4 years old
Height: 41 in (20%), up from 39 in (30%) at 4 years old
Adam (3 years):
Weight- 32.5 lbs (53%) up from 26 lbs at 2 years
Height- 37 1/2 in (39%)* up from 35 1/3 inches (78%) at 2 years
*First time for height on the big kid scale
Ellie (9 months)
Weight: 15 lbs., 10/ oz. / 6% (up from 13 lbs., 8 oz. / 9% 6 months old)
Height: 26.5" / 20% (25"/25%)
Head Circ: 43.3 cm / 33% (41.8 cm/32%)
Rose (9 months)
Weight: 15 lbs., 6 oz. / 5% (up from 13 lbs., 5 oz. /7% 6 months old)
Height: 27" / 35% (25.3" / 35%)
Head Circ: 43 cm / 25% (41.8 cm / 32%)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Family Visit to Dr. Raker
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3:18 PM