Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gettin' into Trouble

Ellie & Rose have been getting more adventurous recently! They love to explore any new territory. Today they enjoyed sitting in the dishwasher and were able to climb up into the chair using the toy chair as a step stool. They were pretty pleased with themselves!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ellie & Rose's 1-Year Well Baby Doctor Visit

Ellie & Rose went to see Dr. Raker today for their 1-year check-up. She thought they looked great! They had to get two shots and a TB test and weren't very happy about that.

Here are their stats:

Weight: 17 lbs., 7 oz. / 4% (up from 15 lbs., 10oz. / 6% 9 months old)
Height: 28" / 16% (26.5"/20%)
Head Circ: 45 cm / 47% (43.3 cm/33%)

Weight: 17 lbs., 0 oz. / 2% (up from 15 lbs., 6 oz. / 5% 9 months old)
Height: 28.3" / 23% (27"/35%)
Head Circ: 44.8 cm / 41% (43 cm/25%)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ellie & Rose's 1st Birthday Party!

We had a big party today to celebrate Ellie & Rose's 1st Birthday! Grandma, Saba, Savta, Anna, Jonathan, Angie, Naomi, Owen and Chelsea were all there! Daddy barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch. We had a lot of fun swimming in the pool and riding around in our new pirate boat! After lunch we sang "Happy Birthday" and Ellie & Rose got to enjoy yummy cakes! Anna brought an Elmo pinata for the big kids to open. After their naps Ellie & Rose opened their presents and checked out what was left of the pinata.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hawaiian Day

Today was Hawaiian Day at school. Grandma got us these Hawaiian shirts to wear! We had a luau at lunch and listened to Hawaiian music.