Ellie & Rose went to see Dr. Raker today for their 1-year check-up. She thought they looked great! They had to get two shots and a TB test and weren't very happy about that.
Here are their stats:
Weight: 17 lbs., 7 oz. / 4% (up from 15 lbs., 10oz. / 6% 9 months old)
Height: 28" / 16% (26.5"/20%)
Head Circ: 45 cm / 47% (43.3 cm/33%)
Weight: 17 lbs., 0 oz. / 2% (up from 15 lbs., 6 oz. / 5% 9 months old)
Height: 28.3" / 23% (27"/35%)
Head Circ: 44.8 cm / 41% (43 cm/25%)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Ellie & Rose's 1-Year Well Baby Doctor Visit
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7:07 PM