Adam, Ellie & Rose visited Dr. Raker today for their 4 year and 18 month check-ups. All three had to get shots- ouch! Glad I wasn't there!
Here are the stats:
Ellie (18 months)
Weight: 20 lbs. / 3% (up from 17 lbs., 7 oz. / 4% 12 months old)
Height: 30.5" / 17% (28"/16%)
Head Circ: 46.3 cm / 42% (45 cm/47%)
Rose (18 months)
Weight: 19 lbs., 13 oz. / 2% (up from 17 lbs. / 2% 12 months old)
Height: 30.8" / 24% (28.3"/23%)
Head Circ: 46 cm / 34% (44.8 cm/41%)
Adam (4 years):
Weight- 37.2 lbs (64%) up from 32.5 lbs (53%) at 3 years
Height- 40.3 in (53%) up from 37 1/2 in (39%)* at 3 years
*First time for height on the big kid scale
Friday, January 27, 2012
Visit to Dr. Raker
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9:19 PM