Sunday, January 28, 2007

on the move

Had a really fun day today. We went to Whole Foods to buy groceries, then went next door to have lunch at Kung Pao Bistro. I enjoyed some steamed broccoli, zucchini and rice. Here was the message in my fortune cookie:

After lunch we came home and I did some more scooting around on my belly. I'll be crawling in no time.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

let's make some music!

I just started taking music classes at school. This week we learned about drums! I have lots of percussion equipment at home already so it's easy to practice whenever I want!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pita and Rice

We went back to Target and Daphne's Cafe today. Daphne's is now my #1 favorite restaurant (Burger Time is so last month). I got to eat lots of rice and pita bread. Delicious.

Mom got me a very comfy cart cover to use in shopping carts and restaurant high chairs. It has pictures of animals all over it and has rings to hold my toys and a secret snack compartment. It's my own personal shopping nest.




Friday, January 19, 2007

ten month checkup

We went to see my doctor this afternoon for my ten month checkup. Everything is A-OK. They tested my iron levels by sticking my foot with a needle and taking a drop of blood. Mom wanted to cheat and have me eat a huge batch of kale before my appointment, but Dad forgot to do it. I passed the test anyway with a great score. I'm a pretty healthy baby. But the doctor did see a tiny bit of fluid in my ears that could have been the start of an ear infection. So Mom and Dad got me some more antibiotic to take (in yummy bubblegum flavor) to make sure I don't get sick again.

Here are my current stats:
Weight: 19.6 lbs. / 53rd percentile (up from 18.4/59% 2 months ago)
Height: 28" / 50% (27.5"/68%)
Head Circ: 45cm / 70% (44.5cm/77%)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

busy day!

We got the long weekend started right! This morning we went to Mom's favorite store Target for a marathon shopping session. Mom and Dad bought me a new cell phone and a remote control that looks just like their DVR remote except it's from Sesame Street. I've got all the toys!

After shopping we walked next door and had lunch at Daphne's Greek Cafe. It's my new 2nd favorite restaurant. I fed myself lots of rice and pita bread and washed it all down with a Gerber Pineapple/Pear blend and a few sips of Arrowhead. I tore through all the food. By the time I left it looked like a Greek tsunami had hit the place. Rice everywhere.

All that shopping and eating tired me out. I'm off to take a nap. Bye.

My remote tastes good!

My phone!

Dad tried to sneak up and take a picture of my teeth but I shut him down.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

2006 Year In Review

Here are my picks for the best 2006 had to offer:


Jack Johnson and Friends - Sing-A-Longs & Lullabies for the Film Curious George
No album got as much play as this one in 2006. It was perfect for listening to while playing in the living room, having my diaper changed in the bedroom and without question while driving with Mom on the 101 home from school. No other artist soothed my soul or made me stop crying in stop-and-go L.A. traffic quite like Jack Johnson did.


Please, Baby, Please by Spike Lee, Tonya Lewis Lee, Kadir Nelson (Illustrator)
I've never related to a character as much as I relate to Baby. It's like reading about my own life. Spellbinding.


Talladega Nights
I saw two movies in 2006, but only one made my laugh as hard as Talladega Nights. With Will Farrell, John C. Reilly and Sascha Baron Cohen together in the same movie - how could you go wrong?

The Break-Up - starring Vince Vaughn & Jennifer Aniston


Despite the hellish heat this state has a certain charm. I thoroughly enjoyed my visits in 2006.


(tie) Mom & Dad
This was a close race.


Burger Time, Palm Desert, CA.
There's no place I'd rather eat than at Burger Time. We stop there when we drive to and from Phoenix. It's about 2 hours east of LA in Palm Desert.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

my toof!

Here's a better picture of my new teeth. The left top one is coming in quickly. The right one is about to break through any minute now. My bottom 2 teeth have broken through already just a little bit. They're sharp and are good for biting my Dad's nose.

weekend at Savta & Saba's

Had a great time last weekend at Savta & Saba's! Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Angie were there too - and they brought me presents! We had some great meals (including Latkes) and watched Chuck Liddell knock Tito Ortiz out in UFC 66! Good times.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

We drove back from Phoenix yesterday. Made it home just in time to have some dinner, a bath, and do a little celebrating. There were a lot of parties in my neighborhood, but I was so worn out from all of the fun I had in AZ that I fell asleep before 8.